... in Edinburgh at least
Many peoples around the world have heard of the great culinary triuphs of Scotiish cuisine, Haggis an black pudding being among the more well known. However there is a whole under current of dishes unknown to many people out side of Edinburgh....
- Cream Eggs
- Chocolte eggs made by Caburies, inside a chocolate shell they have a sweet white filling. However these sweet and inocent egss have a darker side which comes out when the pubs close. Many chip shops in the centre of the town now server these battered and deep fired with a n order of chips.
- Mars Bars
- see Easter Eggs, know as a Mars bar Fritter.
- Donnatella
- Now so commn that they gave it a name, a margrateta pizza with a Donna kababv (with Salad but not the bread)
- Deep fired pizza
- The firsst time i saw this being served on Clerk Street I could not belive it. They took a cooked pizza, bent it in half, so the toppings faced themselves and then dunked it in batter and fried it in deep, hot fat.
- Sause
- In Edinbuirgh then ordering chips they have a thin HP like vinegre sause to go on the chips. So an order would have "Salt'n'Suase" rather than "Salt'n'Vineger" as you'd get anywhere else in the UK.
- Haggis
- Wrapped in batter, deep fired. The size of two fists. Ordered un the name "Haggis Supper", i.e. Haggis'n'chips. Enough caloiries to keep many strarving nations alive. Unlike anything passing for Haggis in any other shop.
- Chicken
- Whole, fried and purchased from local super markets, eated by pulling apart the carcas by hand over lunch in offices all over Edin.
- Black pudding
- Basically congelled blood, wrapped in intestine, battered and deep fried, called a "black pudding Supper".
Things I've heard about but not seen
- Battered and deep fired M'n'Ms.
- Battered and deep fired Smarties.