Welcome To The Society

Now let us introduce you to some of the more active members:

Lucy (President)

Last year we described Lucy as being "almost a blonde" - This year we're sure. But only in a nice way…

Sally (Treasurer)

We don't know much about Sally. But we have seen that she's very keen, and interested...

Faye (Web Design)

Faye used to be a banker, but he's got over that now and is engaged to a lovely girl...

Jenny (Librarian)

Despite all the ook.. jokes Jenny has never been seen wearing orange or eating a banana, she has however been seen wearing a range of very stylish corsets which can be made to measure at a reasonable price. For more info come along to a committee meeting or contact Jenny as above.

Oliver (Secretary)

Tall, slim, blond, and always good for a ride. All in all a perfect secretary...

Nik (Publicity)

Nik does all the art work for the society and is easily identifiable by his hairstyle representing the epitemy of punk goth and the admiration of all back-combers and hairspray users throughout Ed.

Steve (Conception)

Steve, conception organiser and d.j. (a.k.a. the man who buys the sweets) is easily identifiable by his lack of hair and many piercings, he’ll let *anyone* stroke his head….but watch out – he bites!

Kirstin (General)

Kirstin does all the jobs in the society that everyone else was ‘going to get round to’. Single-handedly organising Whitby is not a feat for the faint hearted – but Kirstin managed it! Catch-phrase for the year ‘never again…’


The Cover Index Welcome To The Society About The Society How EdG&R Started The First Ever Pub Quizz On Black Newcommers Guide To The North Genteck The World Of The Dominatrix Shop Till you Drop The Goth & Rock discounts Guide To Edinburgh Shops Why Death Rock Won't Die Horror moive Survival Guide Album Reviews Members Guide To The Goth and Rock Society Bedtime Story...snooze Answers To The Pub Quizz Back One Page Forward One Page

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